The 6 Common Web Application Security Mistakes You’re Making

Online security is crucial, as even the smallest mistakes can lead to large breaches and heavy losses for you as a business. As well as money, you can lose customer trust, and that’s not something that’s easily recovered. To minimise your chances of this happening, you need to understand the security mistakes you’re making, as well as using a service such as Cloudbric managed security to help you. Here’s some of the mistakes you’re making right now, and how to put them right.


1. Weak Authentications

When a customer sets up a password, you ask them to make it as strong as possible. When you set up passwords for the back end though, are you following your own advice? Weak passwords make it even easier for hackers to get into your system and start taking what they want. You need to set up a strong password, as soon as you can. Using something like ‘admin’ will be cracked in no time at all.

You do also need to ensure that your customers are using strong passwords too. When they are, it’s going to be harder for others to get into their accounts.


2. Not Doing Website Security Scans

How can you know if there’s any security risks on your website, if you’re not scanning for them? “It’s crucial that you scan your website regularly” says Darren Miles, a security writer at Elite Assignment Help and Essay Services. “If you’re not checking on a regular basis, you won’t be able to see where the cracks are and so you can’t fix them.” You can use services such as Cloudbric to help scan your site on a regular basis, and look for any security issues. If you do find any, ensure that you’re handling them as quickly as possible to minimize risk.


3. Using ‘Homegrown’ Security Methods

There are many businesses out there that create their own security methods, and feel that they are better than others out there. That’s because they’re not ‘known’ to hackers, so they’ll be harder to penetrate.

The fact is, as it’s a ‘homegrown’ measure, it’ll be more likely to have vulnerabilities that hackers can exploit. That actually leaves your site more vulnerable to hackers, and data breaches. It’s better to use well known services like Cloudbric, as they can offer a more secure service.


4. Not Encrypting Sensitive Data

As a business, you’re most likely being sent sensitive data all the time by your customers. This is things like credit card numbers, addresses, and so on. To increase security, you have to be encrypting that data. In the event that security is breached, you’ll be adding another layer of protection to that data.

However, there are so many businesses out there that aren’t doing this. “By leaving that sensitive data as plain text, you’re making hackers’ jobs easier” says Anna Marston, an editor at Ox Essays and Custom Writing. “As such, it’s going to be so much easier to take that data and harm your reputation.”


5. Having Invalid Inputs

You must validate the content and inputs you upload, as not doing so actually makes your site more vulnerable to attacks. This includes cross site scripting, also known as XXS, SQL injection, and command injection among others. Those who do validate these inputs often forget that they need to be validated from both the server and browser ends, as only doing so from the browser end leaves your site more vulnerable

If you’re unsure of how to do this, using a service like Cloudbric to help with your security will go a long way. It’s something that you should look into if you’re hoping to improve your security overall.


6. Not Being Serious About Security

This is one of the biggest problems that businesses have today. They feel as though they are secure enough, and so aren’t proactive about keeping their site safe. That can lead to more attacks as they aren’t staying up to date with security measures, and that’s going to have a knock on effect on your reputation.

These are some of the most common mistakes you can be making with your website security. It’s simple to address them though, especially if you’re using services like Cloudbric security services. Be proactive, and you’ll be able to keep your site safe.