Greetings, from Cloudbric.
Here’s the latest from Cloudbric: for June 1st to June 30th.
1.Technology Developments
*2st phase Cloudbric PAS(SDP) Service Enhancement
(ZTNA-based Next-Gen Security Solution)
→ Beta version test and development : 100% complete (estimated time of completion: 2023 2Q)
- Beta version User test completed
- QA result and improvement review completed
- Service development — completed
- QA process — completed
- Service enhancement release
Cloudbric PAS service page link
*Cloudbric PAS for AWS Marketplace
→ Professional Service registration : 100% completed
(Estimated time of completion: 2023 2Q)
- Preliminary research
- Product registration
- AWS confirmation
- Professional Service registration — completed
Cloudbric PAS product link on AWS Marketplace
*Cloudbric ADDoS for AWS Marketplace
→ Professional Service Registration: 100% completed
(Estimated time of completion: 2023 2Q)
- Preliminary research
- Product registration
- AWS confirmation — completed
- Professional Service registration — completed
Cloudbric ADDoS product link on AWS Marketplace
*Paid service for Data subscription development
→ Paid service for Data subscription development : 50% complete (estimated time of completion: 2023 3Q)
- Console development range review in progress
- Wireframe in progress
*Cloudbric Website Renewal
→ Website development : 50% complete (estimated time of completion: 2023 3Q)
- Website contents planning in progress
*Cloudbric WAF+ for AWS Marketplace
→ Subscription model development : 30% completed
(estimated time of completion: 2023 3Q)
- Preliminary research
- Development scope — under review
- Wireframe — in progress

2. Cloudbric News
[Participated in ICT Comm 2023, largest IT related exhibition in Vietnam] Cloudbric successfully concluded its participation in Vietnam ICT COMM 2023, which took place from June 8 to 10.
Recognized for its expertise in information and communication technology and digital transformation, ICT COMM Vietnam stood as one of the largest exhibitions in Asia. The 2023 event drew over 12,000 visitors and featured around 500 companies from various sectors of the IT industry.
Cloudbric participated in ICT COMM Vietnam 2023 alongside its local partner, P.A Vietnam, and introduced its cloud-based fully managed web security platform, Cloudbric WAF+, during the speaking session on ‘AI and Blockchain in Cyberspace’ presented by the solution consultant from PA Vietnam.
[Participated in NHN Cloud make IT 2023, the largest cloud conference in Korea] Cloudbric successfully participated in ‘NHN Cloud make IT 2023’ alongside Penta Security Systems on June 22, 2023.
NHN Cloud make IT, organized by NHN Cloud, celebrated its second anniversary this year. The exhibition has established itself as the largest cloud conference in Korea, providing a platform for sharing cloud technology, industry-specific experiences, and success stories.
At the conference, Cloudbric showcased its advanced cloud-based fully managed web security platform, Cloudbric WAF+, and garnered significant interest, leading to inquiries from numerous vendors.

* Cloudbric Social Media Channels
Telegram Announcement Channel (KR/EN) :
Kakao Open Chat :
Telegram Community Channel (EN) :
Medium (KR/EN) :
Naver Blog :
Twitter (EN) :
LinkedIN (EN) :
Facebook (EN) :