Cloudbric Attends PR Day in Seoul 2018

pr day

On November 22, POSTECH Holdings hosted an event titled “2018 PR Day In Seoul – Find A.” Cloudbric was in attendance and was among one the teams to pitch its project to VCs.

Sometimes referred to South Korea’s very own version of CalTech, POSTECH (Pohang University of Science and Technology) is a private research university located in Pohang dedicated to research and education in science and technology.

POSTECH Holdings is a subsidiary company of POSTECH’s Research and Business Development Foundation and was founded to promote commercialization of POSTECH possessed technologies.

The event was held to bring together technology start-ups and domestic and overseas venture capitals and accelerators.

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As part of the event’s “Find A” theme, Cloudbric’s chose “A” for Affirmation, in reference to our confidence in being a trusted vendor that seeks to provide security solutions to both existing users and new users.







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