Next-Level Protection against Malicious IPs with Cloudbric Managed Rules

Next-Level Protection against Malicious IPs

with Cloudbric Managed Rules




In the rapidly evolving digital landscape driven by the rise of digital transformation (DX), companies are increasingly shifting their business and operations to be more software-centric. This shift has brought application development to the forefront, making robust cybersecurity—especially web security—a critical requirement. At the core of web security, IP-based rules have long been a foundational method for controlling access and mitigating threats. However, as cyber threats grow in complexity, traditional IP-based rules face significant limitations. Cloudbric Managed Rules (CMR) offers an advanced solution to overcome these challenges and provide comprehensive protection, including support for X-Forwarded-For (XFF) header validation.


What Are IP-Based Rules? 

IP-based rules are a foundational security mechanism that allows or blocks access based on IP addresses. These rules are widely used in network and web security systems for the following purposes:

    • Regulatory Compliance: Certain industries require restricted access to ensure regulatory adherence by permitting only specified IP ranges.
    • Threat Protection: Proactively block malicious IP addresses, such as those used by hackers or bots.


Key Use Cases for IP-Based Rules 

Network Load Management

IP-based rules can help mitigate server overload caused by distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks by proactively blocking suspicious IPs.

Geo-Restricted Services

Organizations can control service accessibility by allowing only specific IP ranges based on geographic regions, addressing regional licensing or compliance requirements.

Integration with Web Application Firewalls (WAFs)

Modern WAFs incorporate databases of known threat IPs to automatically block malicious traffic, creating a secure environment.


The Limitations of IP-Based Rules and How Cloudbric Managed Rules Address Them

Limitations of Traditional IP-Based Rules

IP-based rules are a widely used method for managing web application traffic, offering simplicity and efficiency. However, they come with several limitations that reduce their effectiveness in modern, complex environments:

  1. Source IP Dependency
    Traditional IP-based rules rely heavily on the source IP address of incoming traffic. This dependency poses challenges when proxies, load balancers, or VPNs are involved, as these intermediaries mask or spoof the origin IP. This masking reduces the accuracy of malicious IP detection.
  2. Resource Intensiveness
    Processing a high volume of requests, especially in environments with frequent malicious traffic, can strain system resources such as CPU and memory, impacting overall performance.

How Cloudbric Managed Rules Overcome These Challenges

Traditional IP-based methods detect malicious activity by comparing the source IP of an incoming request against a database of known threat IPs. While effective in straightforward cases, this approach struggles with the limitations mentioned above.

Cloudbric Managed Rules enhance this process by performing additional inspections of X-Forwarded-For (XFF) headers, a common HTTP header that reveals the original client IP address when proxies or load balancers are used. By analyzing the XFF header, Cloudbric can accurately identify the true origin IP and cross-check it against Penta Security’s proprietary database, ThreatDB.

ThreatDB provides a robust, dynamic repository of known malicious IPs, offering higher accuracy and fewer false positives than traditional static databases.


Overcoming These Challenges with Cloudbric Managed Rules

Cloudbric Managed Rules is a next-generation security solution designed to address the limitations of traditional IP-based rules by offering the following features:

Enhanced Accuracy with Flexible IP Detection

Traditional IP-based detection often faces challenges in identifying the true source of traffic, especially in environments involving proxies, VPNs, or other intermediaries. Cloudbric Managed Rules enhances detection by leveraging sophisticated methodologies that account for these complexities.Unlike the default approach of other managed rule groups, which may lack the ability to fully validate traffic originating from such masked sources, Cloudbric’s solution provides a broader perspective, ensuring more comprehensive threat detection.

Key Offerings

  1. Malicious IP Protection
    • Blocks malicious IP traffic based on ThreatDB’s globally curated threat intelligence.
    • Prevents attacks from malicious bots, hackers, and phishing attempts.
  2. Anonymous IP Protection
    • Detects and mitigates threats from anonymous IP sources, such as VPNs, proxies, and Tor networks.
    • Prevents DDoS attacks and unauthorized content usage.



Cloudbric Managed Rules provides a comprehensive solution for modern web security challenges. By combining advanced IP detection with continuous threat intelligence and a robust detection engine, it empowers organizations to:

  • Protect networks and applications from malicious and anonymous IPs.
  • Maintain operational stability.
  • Meet regulatory compliance requirements.


For more information, explore the AWS Marketplace Penta Security Official Page.