We’re super excited to announce the release of Threat DB on April 29, a community driven threat intelligence database for both end users and organizations to view a variety of threat information. Threat DB is part of the renewed Cloudbric Labs in which you’ll notice that the same free security tools we previously introduced have been rebranded. Until ...
Cloudbric Labs 리뉴얼 & Threat DB 런칭 기념 이벤트 <버그/위협정보를 찾아라!>
이벤트 정보 : 버그/위협정보를 찾아라! 더욱 안전한 웹 환경을 위한 공유 플랫폼 Cloudbric Labs의 메인페이지가 새단장을 했습ᇠ ...
Experience AI in Action Through Your Security Dashboard
Following a series of QA testing stages conducted by Cloudbric’s development and product planning teams, Cloudbric is ready to announce the beta release of its deep learning engine! We’ve already discussed extensively what this new AI technology will mean for our existing detection capabilities as well as the role it will play in our upcoming security platform. To r ...
클라우드브릭, AI 보안 서비스 출시
AI 기반 보안 서비스로 원활한 웹사이트 운영 지원 클라우드브릭이 딥러닝 머신 기술을 활용한 인공지능 엔진인 ‘VISION ...
Cloudbric Cements Commitment to Cloud Infrastructure and Blockchain Business by Partnering with AWS
Cloudbric currently holds Technology Partner status with Amazon Web Services (AWS). The AWS Partner Network (APN) is a global partner program composed of cloud software and service vendors that have earned endorsement from AWS after meeting several important criteria. With the cloud computing market estimated to be worth 272 billion USD worldwide, cloud computing ...
클라우드브릭, 블록체인 지갑 노드 운영 계약 체결..❝클라우드 인프라 운영 노하우 활용할 것❞
지갑 노드 운영 계약체결..❝클라우드 인프라 운영 노하우 활용할 것❞클라우드브릭이 고객과 블록체인 지갑 노드 운 ...
“스마트폰 어플로 보안 현황을 3초만에 파악” 클라우드브릭, 콘솔 어플 출시
어플 출시 소식 - 스마트폰 어플로 보안현황을 쉽고 빠르게 파악!클라우드브릭이 오는 3월 27일에 관리 콘솔 어플리케이 ...
Block Web Attacks On Your Phone Using The New Cloudbric Console App
Cloudbric Console App is now out and available for Android and iOS. When we ask our users what they most like about Cloudbric’s services, our intuitive interface dashboard and functionality of our console are usually top picks. We make it easy for users to simply login and view their security status without complications, as Cloudbric protection runs in the background.Now, with th ...
에어드랍 이벤트 개시 – 비트베리 리스팅 기념
클라우드브릭 에어드랍 이벤트 클라우드브릭이 비트베리 지갑에 리스팅되었습니다. 이제 쉽고 안전한 지갑 비트베& ...
Tackling The Weaknesses Outside The Blockchain System To Protect Your Cryptocurrency
There’s a general consensus in the crypto industry that blockchain cannot be hacked. This is because blockchain transactions listed on the distributed ledgers are immutable meaning they cannot be erased, changed or configured. The distributed general system also has accountability in place so that all transactions distributed across each node must be the same in order to ach ...